Transport request abroad

Patient return transport 365 days a year

We are in use for you 24 hours a day

For transport inquiries, contact or accounting inquiries, our team is available for you. Simply contact us via hotline, WhatsApp or email as well as via our forms .

We will answer your request as soon as possible.

Fill out of transport request

Elbe Ambulance
Meltendorfer Str. 10
06895 Zahna-Elster

Telefon +49 (0) 3538 9890 65


Whatsapp +49 (0) 176 101 62 649

Fast contact using the form

For transport, contact or accounting requests, our team is available for you. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, please use our hotline or our inquiry form.

Transport request for resolution abroad

Your contact details:
Transportation details:
Fast contact via WhatsApp:
Because every minute counts in an emergency.
Elbe ambulance fleet for patient transport
Ambulance | Intensive care transport vehicle | Ambulance flights
Transport request abroad
Patient return transport 365 days a year in Germany and all of Europe
frequently asked Questions
To transport patient returns, abroad and qualified patient transports across Europe